I'm afraid these aren't annotated. If you're wondering what they all mean please see the well-documented function calls in the ISDA headers under jpm_cds/objects/isda_cds_model_c_v1.7/lib/include/isda.
static TDate baseDate int mmDCC long fixedSwapFreq long floatSwapFreq long fixedSwapDCC long floatSwapDCC char badDayConv int iholidays char types[NUM_RATES] double rates[NUM_RATES] TDate dates[NUM_RATES] pub TCurve pTCurve
sub ir_curve s_ir_curve static TDate today TDate startDate TDate stepinDate TDate cashSettleDate long nbDate double recoveryRate TBoolean payAccOnDefault long paymentDcc char badDayConv int icalendar TDate endDates[NUM_RATES] double couponRates[NUM_RATES] TDateInterval couponInterval[ONE] TStubMethod stubType[ONE] pub TCurve pTCurve
static TDate startDate TDate endDate double notional double couponRate TBoolean protectStart TBoolean isPriceClean double recoveryRate TDate today TDate valueDate TDate stepinDate TBoolean payAccOnDefault long paymentDcc char badDayConv TDateInterval couponInterval[ONE] TStubMethod stubType[ONE]
sub ir_curve s_ir_curve credit_curve s_credit_curve trade s_trade pub double pv
implements leg
implements leg
sub contingent_leg s_contingent_leg fee_leg s_fee_leg pub double pv